About us
Our story
MARSI GROUP d.o.o. is a newly formed company, the universal successor of a sole proprietorship.
Company strategy
Customer satisfaction is our main priority! The company currently employs 21 people and is focused mainly on manufacturing, services and development in the field of tool making and injection molding of plastic products.
Company Guidelines
The company strives for continuous development and improvement of our business. We operate and control in accordance with the guidelines of the quality standard ISO 9001: 2000, contributing to our services the name “High quality of service”. We are committed to the highest level of project confidentiality and custom production.

We are bringing you all under one roof
We are
you all
one roof
It all started in 2010, when the company was created as a freelance organization – sole trader. Back then the company was working on consulting and technical support, injection molding and mold manufacture projects.
In 2016 company expanded its borders with sprawl of our production program of plastic products. At the end of the 2016 company added a 3D metal printer (EOS M280) to the facility and in 2017 a 3D metal print program to our services, which was a huge milestone as we became the only provider of this kind of service in Slovenia and the west part of ex-Yugoslavia territory. In 2019 our business extended even further, as we added a brand-new facility to our business and are now operating on more than 3000 square meters of production. With every year stepping further to our goals, the number of employees had grown, as we increased the rate for 1700% in 4 years. Stepping into the 2020 the company has transferred itself from “s.p.” (sole trader) to a “d.o.o.” (limited liability company) and renamed to MARSi Group d.o.o., becoming fully competitive organization on all aspects of our business performance.
Nowadays company is focusing on developing its services to the fullest potential, creating healthy and friendly working environment for our workers and expanding even further to our long-term goals.
Our services
3D metal printing
We offer 3D printing of metal parts with revolutionary DMLS technology.
Batch production of plastic injection molding
With our team of tooling experts who are dedicate your ideas and requests with maximum responsibility and innovation.
“0” Serial injection
Production of prototype plastic pieces in the shortest possible time.
Tool maintenance and maintenance
We know it is very important that everything runs smoothly within the company, so our experts are committed to provide you with the highest level of responsibility and engagement.
Production of prototype and pilot tools
Production and service of serial tools and tool parts. Machining of tool, machine, aluminum and plastic parts.
Designing tools
Development and assistance in designing components, products and tools for plastic injection molding (R&D).
Injection simulations
Fill analysis and impact on product properties, optimization of the refilling system, balancing of refills, prediction of shrinkage and deformation of the product,…
Tool concept
With our team of tooling experts who are dedicated to your ideas and requests with maximum responsibility and innovation.
Maybe we’ll meet

Together we grow stronger
Employee Growth Through the Years
At MARSi we are stepping up to new, bigger and stronger challenges year after year, so our team is constantly upgrading and expanding …